Alabama Getaway-> Greatest Story Ever Told, Peggy-O, Cassidy, Friend Of The Devil, Easy To Love You, El Paso, Tennessee Jed, Dancin' In The Streets-> Deal Scarlet Begonias-> Fire On The Mountain, Passenger, Terrapin Station-> Playin' In The Band-> Drums-> Lost Sailor-> Saint Of Circumstance-> Wharf Rat-> Good Lovin', E: Don't Ease Me In
Master Soundboard Cassette > Cassette > DAT > CDR, with patches from AUD Nakamichi CM700 source (see info file for details); patching, CD mastering, EAC> SHN by Scott Clugston; d3 tracked for 80 min
2004-03-26 10:18:33
Master Soundboard Cassette > Cassette > DAT > CDR, with patches from AUD Nakamichi CM700 source
Reviewer:grateful phishmon
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August 17, 2020 Subject:
First show at the Stanley in Pittsburgh
I actually like this show better than the vaunted second night, which has the crazy He's Gone > C.C. Rider jam. This one is better overall, highlighted by a spine tickling, and tingling, Dancin'. It's too bad they dropped the Disco Dancin' after this year, that was good for long, danceable jams every time. Here it sounds like Jerry breaks out the envelope filter, which he didn't use on the more famous 12/27/79 performance. The second set is very strong through Drums, although Lost Sailor kind of kills the momentum. It's a solid Saint, but Wharf Rat, alas, is beset by out of sync vocals in the slow section. Jerry, in particular, hits some early entrances here. Still, Scarlet through Playin' is all excellent, and if they went into Drums after Terrapin, that would be plenty in later years. But they didn't skimp on the jams in this show.
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December 1, 2016 Subject:
'Dancing' is emblematic of what this band could do...
"Dancing in the Streets" from this show is perfectly emblematic of what this band could be when it was operating at a high level. There's a point in the jam when every single member of the band is on full blast, balls-to-the-wall, all parts perfectly interlocked in a way that just boggles my mind every time. What a show.
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March 9, 2014 Subject:
snowed a bit
Early Brent shows, never realized how lucky to see shows at Stanley , Garden , Uptown, Aladdin,buffalo,Cleveland, Red Rocks loved these daze, think old Boston Garden, 1st show 05/07/77; Garden was my biggest venue, Denver if it rained at Rocks ,small and fun , seems like yesterday,nothing like a .................
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October 4, 2007 Subject:
Another strong 79 show! Hot first set with a nice Friend of the Devil and a Dancin' that almost lit my speakers on fire. The second set blasts off with a solid Scarlet>Fire and rides that energy the rest of the way through to the end. I actually prefer this one to the next night!
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January 31, 2005 Subject:
Good show and good recording...
Four skulls on each count. Well worth the download. The only things that keep it out of five-skull territory are the tape flip in Scarlet > Fire and the long AUD patch at the end of PITB and into Drumz.
Reviewer:capn doubledose
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January 4, 2005 Subject:
For starters this show is really long 24 songs when 20 is usally the norm - it goes on and on which is good! Whole first set is great tenn jed, dancin is tremendous... The scarlet > fire is ripping and I am not sure why I never knew how hot this show was but I do now. I can see how folks may like the following night but in no way is this overshadowed - make no mistake this is a very hot show....
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June 28, 2004 Subject:
Tight and Real
This show is overshadowed by the next night but the Deal thru Fire is exceptional. Check out the Dancin at high volume. You won't be let down.
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June 24, 2004 Subject:
great memories
I was at both of these Stanley Theater shows on 11-30 and 12-1; both had great moments and the Stanley was a great venue. These shows and the 11-9-79 show in Buffalo were my first shows to hear Brent who was playing great all through this tour. Don't Ease was my personal highlight of this night.
Reviewer:Rob in NJ
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April 8, 2004 Subject:
Birthday Show
I turned 7 the day of this show. 11 years later I was at my first GD show. This show has it all. A perfect show off the board. Great setlist. I am not a great reviewer, but I enjoy great music...and this is a great show.
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March 30, 2004 Subject:
The Setup!
This show was the setup for the knockdown on the following night (see 12-1-79). For anyone that has seen the GD or Jerry at the Stanley, it was like a Quasi-Warfield gone east and the Dead and Jerry obliged. The SBD's from these shows and the subsequent 1981 shows crackle with subtle imperfections at times but smoke with quality, intimacy, and everything that represents the Dead in this era.